
At UNE, innovation is integrated in the design of everything we do. 创新就是以创造性的方式应对变化, 在正规澳门赌场网络, you can see evidence of an innovative mindset across all programs — undergraduate and graduate. The 创新办公室 is the champion and standard-bearer for innovation at UNE.


在P中.D. 美林创客空间和整个校园, 创新办公室团队与学生合作, 教师, and professional staff from virtually every unit at the University.

我们鼓励创新, 对现实问题的创造性解决方案, 赞助项目, 特别活动, and act as a nexus between the UNE community and expert professional mentors from leading businesses and organizations across the region.

We also serve as innovation consultants to 教师 and professional staff who want to bring creative change to their own programs.


我们鼓励, 装备和准备人们成为创新者, 通过技术解决现实世界的问题, 设计思考, 体验式学习和多学科合作. 


正规澳门赌场网络的人都是无畏的创新者, with the skills needed to bring original ideas and positive change to whatever field they are in. 


  • 鼓励实验和失败 
  • 提供一个热情、多元和包容的环境
  • 赋予学生尽可能多的领导能力
  • 教授和练习同理心 
  • 乐观和合作
  • 促进使用技术作为一项基本技能
Three U N E students brainstorm innovative ideas in front of a white board
U N E students work with drones as part of their innovation project



我们与学生合作, 教师, and professional staff from virtually every unit at the University. 在我们的创客空间, you’ll find graduate and undergraduate students from different disciplines, 致力于带来积极变化的项目. This welcoming environment creates a community that gives students a sense of belonging on campus. We also serve as internal consultants to units across the university, 支持教职员工的创新活动. We cultivate an open, inclusive, 协作 culture, with a focus on having fun.


Many students come to college with energy and passion to make a difference. Our innovation programs give them the tools they need to make visible, positive change happen. We put a priority on giving students the opportunity to work on real-world projects in areas that they care about. 结果是, students feel connected and empowered to work through obstacles and persevere. 我们教他们重新思考“失败”作为学习经验. 我们的学生做出了实实在在的贡献, visible difference both on and off campus in fields as diverse as 医疗保健, 教育, 学生生活, 海洋科学.


We help students learn what they are best at and then work with teams to identify how their individual strengths contribute to the overall effort. 学生们经常发现小组项目是一种具有挑战性的经历. 在我们的创新项目中, we provide the support and structure to make the team experience a positive one. 学生 develop a better understanding of what it means to work on a team and how they can uniquely contribute. Our innovation teams are highly successful at not only delivering high-quality projects but fostering a positive team experience with skills that students can take into their future careers.

I wouldn't be as open and confident as I am today if it weren’t for my innovation team.——艾米医学生物学 24


学生们经常来找我们为他们的简历添加经验. 他们得到的要多得多. 而我们的学生经常交付令人印象深刻的项目成果, 我们最兴奋的是他们个人技能的转变, a change that sets them up for success in whatever field they choose. 他们很自信, 协作, 能够容忍模棱两可, and have a solid understanding of how to act on ideas and make them happen.


我们相信学生需要舒适, 如果不熟练, 使用与其领域相关的技术. We provide access to high-powered computers and software and mentor students in developing their digital literacy skills - whether they are prototyping an app or working on a data science application. Many of our students start with no knowledge of ‘coding’ and develop confidence in their capabilities. This knowledge of technology and flexible mindset has helped many of our students get jobs.

U N E president James Herbert stands with a student in front of a poster depicting innovation at U N E


Being an effective communicator is a skill required in almost every field. 在我们的创新项目中, we teach students to be effective storytellers and provide individualized coaching in presentation skills. These communication skills are intentionally developed through mentorship and practice. 结果是, our students are not only effective communicators but are confident in their abilities - appearing on TV and in competitions and presenting to large audiences..


我们的创新团队为学生提供指导和指导, helping them connect with people in their fields who can support their projects. We maintain an extensive network of mentors from the community and are well-connected to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Maine. Depending on the needs of individual projects, our students may work with outside experts. 在一个典型的学期里, 我们可能会有学生团队与工程专家合作, 交互设计, 金融, 医疗保健, 市场营销, 和创业. It’s a way to gain real resume-building skills within a structure that supports students’ ideas and passions.

The work I did in the Makerspace gave me skills that I've been able to apply in my current job.——Andy,海洋科学 21


我们课程的重点是非常实用, real-world skills that enable our students to stand out in their job applications and in their careers. We work closely with employers to understand what they are looking for and tailor our programs to that set of skills. Our students can often make a direct link from their innovation projects to their future internship and job offers. 我们喜欢听他们的成功故事.